sorry bout the delay pickler...i have sent you a pm
Posts by l p
Sydneysiders meetup
by l p injust wondering if we should try and organise a meetup...a couple of peops have suggested on another thread..... .
so how bout it?.
I Got disfellowshiped..wana die!
by Chichi89 ini jus got dissfellowshiped at th last week..i feel like dying..i attended th meetings yesterday and ita ws jus horrible..came back home in tears....... people i used to cal my friends nw cant look me in the heartbroken confused and giving up on life !.
l p
if a person that was not a jw (worldly) treated you like this....what would you do????
you would never go near them again...... you would not let them treat you this way........
why are you letting the jws treat you this way????
you are a human person....that has a right to be treated kindly and respectfully....
try to put it into perspective.....these people are not very nice ....and aren't your true friends....
so dont let them treat you like that by being around are worth more than that.....
just like the others have said....this will pass.....tomorrow is a new day.....
see if you can get some counselling....and start making new friends and acquaintances.....
I Got disfellowshiped..wana die!
by Chichi89 ini jus got dissfellowshiped at th last week..i feel like dying..i attended th meetings yesterday and ita ws jus horrible..came back home in tears....... people i used to cal my friends nw cant look me in the heartbroken confused and giving up on life !.
l p
im sorry you are feeling like this and going through this...
it is unacceptable to be treated like this.....
we here are here to support can talk to us about anything.....
where are you? Im in Sydney Australia.....
do you have support outside of the organisation?
Sydneysiders meetup
by l p injust wondering if we should try and organise a meetup...a couple of peops have suggested on another thread..... .
so how bout it?.
l p
pickler we are probably 15 minutes from each other
Sydneysiders meetup
by l p injust wondering if we should try and organise a meetup...a couple of peops have suggested on another thread..... .
so how bout it?.
l p
Hi all,
just wondering if we should try and organise a meetup...a couple of peops have suggested on another thread....
so how bout it?
4 more sleeps till we fly to Australia !
by Hairyhegoat injust to update you all that we finally fly out to australia from the uk on the 13th.
me and sleeping beauty are getting out of the sinking ship that is the uk!.
will land in sydney on the 15th so will update you all once we get settled in.
l p
we can organise to meet up at some stage....
i have a few ex jw friends around that we can organise a get together if you like
4 more sleeps till we fly to Australia !
by Hairyhegoat injust to update you all that we finally fly out to australia from the uk on the 13th.
me and sleeping beauty are getting out of the sinking ship that is the uk!.
will land in sydney on the 15th so will update you all once we get settled in.
l p
ok thats about 2 hours away from me
4 more sleeps till we fly to Australia !
by Hairyhegoat injust to update you all that we finally fly out to australia from the uk on the 13th.
me and sleeping beauty are getting out of the sinking ship that is the uk!.
will land in sydney on the 15th so will update you all once we get settled in.
l p
what state and city will you be living in?
Im in Sydney
Question on In Vitro fertilization - quote from 12/15/12 WT
by sd-7 in12/15/12 wt p. 15:.
"in a variation that some term 'embryo adoption,' the embryos placed in a wife's womb involve neither her eggs nor her husband's sperm.
in yet another variation, a married couple's eggs and sperm are fertilized outside the womb by ivf.
l p
you know ... the borg always taught that when jesus was nailed to the 'stake' the law of moses or whatever was nailed on the 'stake' too...signifying the end to that law only leaving the law of love to be followed....
so it would then go that reasonings from the OT are not applicable and once again the WTBTS is "going beyond the things written"
Jehovah's Witnesses and restaurant bills
by usualusername indid you ever have the experience of going to a restaurant with witnesses and spending 30mins sorting out the restaurant bill?.
thats something i miss since leaving... .
l p
i think the reason they are like this with money is bec they arent educated people....therefore very poor earners....